
I am a young, American artist who loves to travel. Currently, Im humming about in/near South Lake Tahoe, CA. Enjoy.


Kunsthaus Zürich

Suky and I left the babe with Grandma today (at the Gold Coast oooooh) and headed down to the Kunsthaus Zürich. The collection is extensive (Suky and I only covered a third of the museum in half a day) and houses many beautiful works including various gems by Cuno Amiet, Frank Buscher, Odilon Redon and of course, Van Gogh. My favorites were the large-scale paintings done by Swiss painter Ferdinand Hodler.

Afterwards Suky and I walked down to her favorite restaurant in Zürich, Tidbits. We ate vegetarian lasagna and fried tofu with garbanzo bean salad and I sipped on some Sav Blanc. Wunderbar!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful sunday we enjoyed!! Thank you Charlotte! :-)
